The history of the house

Talk about your hotel

In the tower room on the second floor, one of the stones in the window overlooking the barn is engraved with the date 1788.
Given its location, this stone has been there since the tower was built.

Kitchen stone

Still on the south facade of the house, on a kitchen window, another stone is engraved. This extension dates from 1809.

South facade

This window shows the most recent date engraved when the house was extended.

The known story

As far back as we can go from the documents archived in the house office, we know that Thomas was the fifth REDON to live in the family home.Henri REDON, Thomas's grandfather and Patrice's father, explains in his memoirs that the house was made as close as possible to what it is today after 1860 by his grandfather, himself named Henri.One of the major alterations Patrice's father made was to the dining room, with its large fireplace, which is a free reproduction of a castle fireplace (we can't remember which one, but if you recognise it, please let us know).Before that, it is said that the property was already in the family, but since when?Today, Denise, the wife of Patrice, her late husband who passed away in 2021, lives in the property's dovecote.Thomas, Patrice's son (the 4th generation to live in the house) and Denise's son, now live in the family home with Edwina and their 4 children.We are currently writing the rest of the story of this house....

The memoirs of Henri REDON

Henri REDON was born in 1899 and is Thomas's grandfather. He gave birth to 6 children, including Patrice in 1944, who in turn gave birth to Thomas in 1985.In his memoirs, Henri explains not only what his home was like as a child, but also his discovery of the Pech Merles cave with his cousin. If you're lucky, when you visit this cave, you'll have a local guide who will take some time to tell you all about it.